Volume 17 Issue 1 A Journal Dedicated to Natural Dyes Fall 2011

Dear Readers:

Welcome to the Fall 2011 edition of the Turkey Red Journal. It has been an inspiring fall. October is Chicago Artist Month, where neighborhoods all around the city display artwork from their community. North Park, my neighborhood, had its second annual art walk, which included work by two natural dyers, Frank Connet (TRJ Volume 10, Issue 2) and I. It was great to hear the positive feedback from the viewers on the wide range of colors obtained with plant and insect dyeing.

In this edition, Barbara Korbel, an artist and conservator, writes about her Tall Grass Dyepot project, a series of chapbooks that documents her explorations of native natural dyes in the Chicago area. Katie Vota, a Fulbright Scholar in Peru, documents the use of Kinsa Q'uchu, a plant of the Peruvian highlands that produces a turquoise color.

We also have two articles on mud dyeing. John Marshall writes about the Japanese techniques of making pigments from minerals and Judy Dominic shares with us the techniques used to make African mud cloth. We end with two reports on the "International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Dyes, ISEND 2011" which took place in La Rochelle, France, in April, by business owners Kathy Hattori of Botanical Colors and Nancy Zeller of Long Ridge Farm.

Articles, artwork, exhibit notices and reviews for the next issue of the TRJ will be due January 15, 2012. We are interested in featuring dyers from around the world. Don't hesitate to submit your ideas for articles. Send your submissions to madder@comcast.net.

Back issues of the print version of the TRJ are still available for purchase. Contact me directly for further information. Please keep sending in your thoughts and suggestions. We appreciate all your comments.

If you are not currently on the TRJ new issue notification mailing list and would like to receive notification when the new issue is online, please send an email to madder@comcast.net. Your email address will not be shared with others.

As always, a special thanks to Judith Musick, the TRJ copy editor and to Bob Feldman, our webmaster for all their hard work.

Pamela Feldman
Editor and Publisher