Volume 16 Issue 1 A Journal Dedicated to Natural Dyes Fall 2010

About the Turkey Red Journal

Mission Statement

The Turkey Red Journal is a newsletter devoted to education and the furtherance of the use of natural dyes. It is our intent to help worldwide dyers to communicate and share ideas about natural dyes and dye processes and to promote the use of natural dyes in a manner that does not harm the environment or endanger personal safety.

Turkey Red Crew

Pamela Feldman is the publisher and editor of the Turkey Red Journal.
Judith Musick is the copy editor.
Ian Feldman and Robert Feldman are the web designers.

Submitting Articles and Images

The deadline for submitting articles or images for the next issue is February 1, 2011. Articles must be in Microsoft Word 2003 format and submitted as an attachment in an email to Pamela Feldman at pfeldman@saic.edu. You may use tables or bulleted lists in an article, but do not use any other special formatting, such as columns. Send any images as separate attachments. Do not include images in your document. Instead, indicate where in the text you would like them to go and the image's caption. Images in articles or for Nature’s Gallery should be in jpeg format and at least 600 pixels wide. Images should include the following information: title, the name of the copyright holder, date of work, size of work, materials, techniques and a list of the natural dyes used. Include a short, two or three sentence, biographical statement with either articles or images.


The individual articles are copyright by the author and are used by permission of the author. The copyright holders of the images are noted by each image and the images are used by permission of the copyright holder. The entire contents of the Turkey Red Journal are copyright by Pamela Feldman.

If you have a website of your own, you must request permission to include a link to the Turkey Red Journal, or to use any of the text or images in any other way.